☸ EXP Instance

In <IDX>, player unable to up the level and enjoy the new function for higher level if not enough EXP. Thus, it is important for the player to challenge the EXP Instance.


Let’s introduce the gameplay for the EXP Instance.


✒ Firstly, player can find the EXP Instance from “Daily Instance” through the “Instance” button at right bottom corner.

✒ The rule for EXP Instance actually very short and simple, player just need to kill all the monsters and boss in the instance within the set time. Player will receive EXP and flip card reward randomly after clear stage. Even failed to clear stage within the set time, player will receive the monster killed EXP too. So, please challenge the instance when free~


✒ Other than level up the character, the EXP will bring various new gameplay and also new stage clear requirement to player. As long as have enough EXP, player can experience the new system faster. That's why the EXP is so important in!

✒ After collected enough EXP then player is free to challenge other quest or instance and there is entry limit for EXP Instance daily. For player's convenient, there is also Auto setting to clear the monsters in the instance~

✒ That's all for the introduction for EXP Instance, and our team is now trying other new and fun system gameplay, and it is believe that everyone will see it soon~


[Information above is subject to in-game as standard]